Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween @LPW

Chef and crew created a 'different' menu for the group celebrating Halloween with us.

Check it out. Freaky.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Haven't post in a while....

will be getting back to posting more frequently - buddy of mine sending me over his extra camera; tonnes of things to blog about.

but in the mean time, a must read from the Chicago Tribune contributed by the hottest chefs today.,0,5192606.photogallery

Thursday, September 17, 2009


highschool friend took me out to lunch yesterday. had never been to L'Atelier in HK before so was very excited, and i was definitely NOT disappointed. decor v. similar to the one in vegas, dark and red.

didn't get a chance after lunch yesterday to blog about right after as we finished off a nice bottle of red from Spain and passed out after getting back to the office. presentation wise was not spectacular, but its the food quality and service that separates itself from the rest, definitely a notch above.

started with a uni risotto,

steak tartare,

black cod,

first time seeing baby lamb cutlets (like baby rack of lamb),

finished w/ a coconut souffle, friend had the chocolate brownie,

definitely will go back. can check it out

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What is this...

Something interesting from the gadget blog someone sent me. It is called the vapourizer. It creates the aroma of herbs without having the burnt smell by just lighting it on fire. maybe there is some 'substance' there - not just style.

Shout out to Chris in Napa Valley visiting TK's French Laundry - take pictures buddy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Marinated Salmon in Beetroot / Dill / Vodka

We had this a couple weeks ago, Chef used it both as an amuse bouche one day and another as a salad.

Marinated in GG / beetroot which has become popular over the past year due to its health attributes and mixture of dill & capers.

The idea with the menu at Private Works is to use common/known ingredients in such a way where you wouldn't think about it but yet how good they go together.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

1-month / lamb & orzo

makoto and i had a brief chat the other day about how fast august has been going - and its been 1 month since our soft launch, and we're pretty happy with the response and feedback we've been receiving - from our families/partners, to our media friends and all foodies - many thanks.

last year had a chat with prb one of the world's most recognized chefs and who has seen everything in the business - the advice that resonates with me is his definition of a successful operation is to be still on the up and up at the 1 year mark.

but still, its been one month for us and i feel we're just starting to scratch the surface. Again, many thanks for all the support and we're excited about the things to come.

I'll leave you w/ this 10 minute creation from leftovers, but i would have easily paided Isola prices for.

Lamb (cooked to perfection), orzo pasta, tomatoes, capers and onions.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

LABEL: Freshly Made

Yesterday my buddy Chris came by on Tuesday - he works in one of the two star michelin restaurants in town and was messing around in the kitchen at LPW.

Freshly made pasta and flavored it with porcini mushrooms - Money!

Courtesy of my blackberry:-

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


v. cool site indeed - i submitted this below, something lost but given back to me by a friend.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


do not know which side of the table i'm on...let you know when i give it more thought.

intro & morimoto, tokyo

new to the blog game - so i'm taking leads from my friends (here's one of my good friend's blog, he's a techie/geek - he writes about what he knows which is tech - so i'm going to write about what i do which is food & drink related.

so LPW is the abbreviation of Liberty Private Works - this is a private kitchen i opened with some good friends (maybe i'll blog about them later). they are helping me in building this 'liberty' brand which has some interesting projects in the pipeline (which i prb. won't blog about until it becomes reality).

LPW is the outlet of Chef Makoto Ono - who is the best chef i know - its so natural and easy for him in doing what he does - its kind of sick actually, how can it be so easy. what he does at LPW amazes me and has amazed the few lucky foodies who have come in since our soft opening - its tough to get a seat right now (by our shear size and interest level amongst our friends).

this leads in perfectly to something i've wanted to blog on since March. past easter i went to visit my cousin in tokyo, and although all the dinners/lunches where amazing no matter where we went, from the fish market, the tapas place and the place where they filmed kill bill - the best one was Morimoto.

this ranks up there with anything i've experience (Harbour Sixty in Toronto is another one). its located in this alley way in a v. unsophisticated part of tokyo - you would never image - it seems you have to dig your way in but once in there, the sheek design and multi floor layout is very conducive to spending and makes you enjoy it.

if you ever get out to tokyo, the teppan tasting menu is what you have to go for. as for price, it was totally below my expectations, considering this is an iron chef - including a couple bottles of wine (my cousin does not look at the price when he orders) and cocktails, coffee etc - it was about 1,500HKD per head - expensive but not something you do regularly.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


liberty is actually more than just a name - for all of us involved, it has a deeper meaning - i meant to get this out last week when we opened, but it wasn't until today did i feel that i am free - free from limitations, free from worries about inexplicable things and free from DRAMA.