new to the blog game - so i'm taking leads from my friends (here's one of my good friend's blog, he's a techie/geek - he writes about what he knows which is tech - so i'm going to write about what i do which is food & drink related.
so LPW is the abbreviation of Liberty Private Works - this is a private kitchen i opened with some good friends (maybe i'll blog about them later). they are helping me in building this 'liberty' brand which has some interesting projects in the pipeline (which i prb. won't blog about until it becomes reality).
LPW is the outlet of Chef Makoto Ono - who is the best chef i know - its so natural and easy for him in doing what he does - its kind of sick actually, how can it be so easy. what he does at LPW amazes me and has amazed the few lucky foodies who have come in since our soft opening - its tough to get a seat right now (by our shear size and interest level amongst our friends).
this leads in perfectly to something i've wanted to blog on since March. past easter i went to visit my cousin in tokyo, and although all the dinners/lunches where amazing no matter where we went, from the fish market, the tapas place and the place where they filmed kill bill - the best one was Morimoto.
this ranks up there with anything i've experience (Harbour Sixty in Toronto is another one). its located in this alley way in a v. unsophisticated part of tokyo - you would never image - it seems you have to dig your way in but once in there, the sheek design and multi floor layout is very conducive to spending and makes you enjoy it.
if you ever get out to tokyo, the teppan tasting menu is what you have to go for. as for price, it was totally below my expectations, considering this is an iron chef - including a couple bottles of wine (my cousin does not look at the price when he orders) and cocktails, coffee etc - it was about 1,500HKD per head - expensive but not something you do regularly.